(H) Looking to join a guild

Returning player, haven’t played consistently since Cataclysm. I only leveled to max in Legion basically to try out the demon hunter a bit.

Anyway, looking to join a guild as stated in the title above. I enjoy PvP and RP. I don’t mind a bit of PvE as far as 5 mans. I will join raids if needed, but you will not break my heart if you don’t need or even plan on doing that part of the game.

My son and I shared my old account (2 accounts were linked) which I had since Vanilla. It’s locked for some reason now and I can’t get it opened. Of course my son has no idea what’s going on of course.

Either way. Fresh account, no professions yet, etc. If interested please let me know.

Thank you for your time reading this.


Hi there, add me at Dreta#11144 and we can talk :slight_smile:


TDC is a Forsaken centric RP/PVP/PVE guild. Generally we’ve a sort of Shadow government vibe but we’ve three branches dedicated to statecraft, military and mad science RP respectively.

Feel free to apply to The Desolate Conclave via the Guild Finder tool. We accept all applications and grant the Citizen rank after a short OOC interview.

Hope to hear from you!

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The Terran Empire is the community you want to join to get the most out of your stay in Azeroth.

I look forward to seeing you in game.

I’m sure he’s still looking for a guild… A month later.

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