(H) looking for raid team for 8.2

hello , i play a brewmaster monk (410 ilvl) and a havoc demon hunter (405). im looking to hit 8.2 raid super hard and get towards 3k raider io as well. look at long break during 8.1 so i came back late into the game. im willing to xfer if need be but. looking for a really good group of people with a strong community looking for a good tank or a melee dps. ive been a raid assist before and i know how to handle myself in a room and whats expected in raid.

[H] Stormreaver < Almost Awesome > is recruiting solid, reliable players for mythic raiding.

Raid Times
Tuesday/Thursday 8p.m. CST - 11p.m. CST.

2/2H CoS
9/9M BoD
8/8M Uldir

We are mostly veteran raiders who are tired of and don’t want to commit to 3+ days of raiding a week. We formed to create a place where we could raid for 2 days but have the solid performances to still complete content before it becomes irrelevant.

Blood DK - Medium
Monk - Medium
Paladin - Medium
Druid - Medium
Warrio - Medium

druid - medium
shaman - medium
paladin - medium
priest (disc/holy flex) - medium

deathknight - medium
demon hunter - low
druid - low
monk - medium
paladin - medium
shaman - medium
rogue - low
warrior - medium

hunter - high
druid - medium
priest - high
shaman - high
warlock - high
mage - high

We are always open to exceptional players of any class regardless of current recruitment needs.

The ideal applicant is

  • On time. Attendance is very important when we are pushing content in a shorter amount of time.
  • Ready for the encounter. We want you to have the motivation to at least look up a fight enough to know what you should expect.
  • Knowledgeable about their role! Know which spec/gear/talent/glyphs would be optimal for each encounter.
  • Fun and easygoing! Be able to laugh off comments and take criticism.

If interested contact: Lukas#1674 or Huggz#1987
or apply at:
https:// goo.gl/forms/z1XD2fTU7HAB7MFh1

Note: We are also looking for more M+ players interested in pushing keys. If interested in keys contact ghtshadia#1590

Hey! We are looking to recruit a new tank so ours can go back to his one true love- hunter. We’d love to hear from you.

We are Months Behind on US-Eredar Horde
7/8M Uldir
6/9M BoD
9/9H BoD
2/2H Crucible
Monday-Wednesday 8pm-11pm EST

Our goal is to clear current mythic content while remaining casual and laid back. We like to joke around and foster a community. Recruiting people who are looking for a “forever home” is a top priority. The guild has been around since 2006 and we don’t plan on going anywhere soon.

Contact Info
Battletag: Rebdull#1533
Discord: Rebdull#9648
Battletag: Jackson#13382
Discord: Hambrick#0289

Hello Bloopzi! :heart:

Snip Snip on Stormrage like you to consider us for your next guild! Here’s why:

:rainbow: Diversity :rainbow:

Guess what? We love everyone no matter what walk of life you come from, who you are or identify with, or whom you love. Our Guild is an extremely diverse set of individuals. We support the LGBTQIA+ community and welcome you here to hang your hat. Seriously, we want you to feel safe in the guild as well as in the game. I promise to do anything in my power as the GM to help make that happen. Our officers are tasked to make sure that happens as well. Let’s have fun together! <hug>

:rofl: What are we all about? :smiley:

[A] Snip Snip on Stormrage is a casual, social guild strengthening their ranks and we’d love to have you join our membership. What we’ve found is that the sense of community has become less and less and we’re changing that one member at a time. Each new member is family. And we couldn’t be happier!

:hugs: Why should you join? :kissing_heart:

Here in Snip Snip, we treat you with respect and kindness (a rarity nowadays)! Similarly, we embrace questions and help you if you want assistance with anything. Running instances together is FUN, helping you tame that rare hunter pet is EXHILARATING and collecting your transmog sets can make you look AMAZING. We chat in Guild Chat and also talk in a guild Discord channel.

Since 2007, Snip Snip has been know as an active, social guild who dabbled in raiding, leveling, and laughing along the way. Yea, all that is going to stay the same except we’re going to do it with a little more style. (I’m not sure if that means cursive or not)…

We’re going to farm more delightful rare mounts, tame or commandeer exotic pets, start RBG’s groups rolling, begin mythic raiding all while having a positive, respectful environment so everyone can enjoy this game (this is our escape from our RL). Oh yea, did I mention we’re going to goof off a lot?

In the same Snip Snip spirit, we’ll do hide-and-seek events, lotteries, raffles, and anything else our creative minds can muster.

:star_struck: Officer Openings :sunglasses:

We are going to have many officer openings (with specialties) related to:

  • PVP Officers - (RBG’s, Arena’s)

  • Raid Officers

  • Guild Bank Officers

  • Rare Mount/Pet Officers

  • Achievement Officers

  • Recruitment Officers

  • Social Coordinator Officers

:lips: Contact Us :keyboard:

If you’re interested in discuss more, please contact me on battlenet Adorapine#1749. Looking for a guild invite? Contact any member and they can help!

:heart: Welcome Home!!! :heart:

Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. We do Raiding two nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 6/9 heroic and are going to push AOTC with the current tier of raiding. We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun!

We raid on Wednesday and Thursday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time.
We also run Normal Tier raids on Saturday nights as well (7:30 pm Server time).

Currently, we are a seeking ranged dps (Shadow Priest/Warlock) for progression, Item level of 390+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Others will be considered of course! We are on Moon Guard!

We also have several Role Players. We plan out events, currently scheduled on Friday nights, and Sunday, but also love spontaneous role play any day of the week. So we do seek role players as well, who don’t necessarily have to raid, just to have fun!

We are still a growing guild, but we like to do things, and are fairly active in game and on discord. Feel free to message me in discord at laskaland#1301 or Btag at laskaland#1404

If you’re open to alliance, we’re looking for strong players for 8.2.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders committed to getting CE.

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord