[H] Looking for Guild <Thunderlord>

I’m looking for a social guild of some kind. Raiding, PVP, PVE, none of that matters much to me, I’m willing to do any of it so long as the guild is friendly. (And by friendly I don’t mean "we talk when our clique of 2-3 people who only play together are online.)

Good morning Ginnir,

I see your post says Horde - but you are on the alliance dwarf so maybe there is some hope yet - I have a cross server community group - sadly alliance only - where you could join and hang out with us.

I apologize if this does not fit what you are looking for but if you do want to give it a go I will leave my contact information below for you.

Have a wonderful Saturday and I wish you the very best luck in your search!
bnet: Anaranae#1516
discord: Anaranae#3307

I tinker with alliance now and then, but I don’t think I have anything above maybe lvl 30-40, whereas my Horde at the very least has a 120. Maybe a social guild might help with that, but leveling on my own after all this time has taken a toll on me really looking to do it all over again.