I’m just a big raider boy looking for a guild. Haven’t been playing for about 2 years and came back just over two weeks ago. Sitting around 200 ilevel, cleared normal Castle Nathria, but can’t seem to find decent pugs for Heroic (let alone Mythic obviously). I want to clear some content and make some friends; I’ve been playing since Vanilla and have raided every expansion except Legion (Draenor was so bad I didn’t come back for a couple years, lol).
I just want to be a big booty slapper for the right raid group/guild. I play an Arms Warrior (I’ve gone fury before when it’s dramatically stronger, but not for a buff of less than 5% damage, that’s absurd). I’ve also got like 5 or 6 other characters that I’ve raided multiple expansions on, but I’m more interested in playing the warrior, as he’s been my main since I started back in April 2005 (I know, I know, I started like 5 or 6 months in).
Anyway, shoot me a message in-game at Gandamadar-Kil’jaeden or a mail. I can add people on Battle.net if that is easier too, but I’m not fond of posting it on a forum. As a final note, late night for me or flexible raiding schedule would be something post 10 or 11pm PST start times and even better if you “sometimes do Tuesdays or Wednesdays or Saturdays or Mondays or whatever” - basically, if you have enough groups going to see some contents even on alts, I’m down to slap bad guys. Thanks everyone.