Renegade is LF semi-casual players for raiding. We are a friendly guild who like to help each other out. Currently have two 10 man groups trying to fill up. Raid times are Tuesday 8-11 server time. Friday 8-11 server time. Trying to get more consistent players to move onto 25 man content. Need all classes and specs. Pretty full on melee dps. But willing to accept any depending on skill. We do loot MS>OS+1 to allow loot to be spread out. Cleared all content for phase 1. Could use more tanks and healers but high demand for range dps. When we have enough. Will most likely have these as raid times. We do have others who work on achievements or dungeons who help others also.
Monday 10 man 8-11 server
(Currently on Tuesdays)
Tuesday 25 man 8-11 server
(These times are for when we get enough)
Friday 10 man 8-11 server.
We do ask that you have patience and understanding with everyone. Be respectful to others.
Feel free to message supositories in game
Gamer tag supositories#1445
Discord supositories#5478