[H] LFM for Tue SSC 7pm

My guild is looking for more PuGs or a guild team up for our SSC runs on Tue & Thu. 4/6 previous progress.

:sweat_drops: Serpentshrine Cavern progression run :running_woman:t4: with Random Violence. Discord sign ups =>
(please set your nickname to exactly match your in-game character’s name.

:smiling_imp: :skull: :woman_farmer:t4: :fairy:t4: Currently need 1 more tank, more heals, casters & few more interrupts :angel:t4: :woman_firefighter:t4: :man_cook:t4: :mermaid:t4:

:clock7: Raid Times :clock7:
:small_orange_diamond: Tuesdays & Thursdays :fire:
:small_blue_diamond: Invites go out at 6:45 pm server (Eastern U.S./UTC-5h)
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Pull time is 7:00 pm server.

:moneybag: Loot Rules :moneybag:

:star: 2 soft reserve, MS+1>OS a.k.a Round Robin
:two_hearts: Players may reserve 2 items. If the reserve is uncontested, they will receive the item should it drop. If the reserve is contested, those who have placed a soft reserve will roll-off for the item. Soft reserve rolls exist independent of MS>OS, and have no affect on +1s for MS rolls.
:zap: Players receive +1 for each MS win.
:point_up_2:t4: Roller with lowest MS+ total relative to those rolling will always be prioritized over those with greater MS+ totals, regardless of roll value. There is no limit to the number of times a player can win a MS roll.
:dizzy: OS rolls are de-prioritized relative to MS rolls & do not result in any MS+s. Round Robin rule applies for OS, separate from MS. There is no limit to the number of times a player can win an OS roll.
:hammer_and_wrench: Crafting recipes are free-roll for all raiders with the corresponding maxed out profession. (Round Robin rule applies).
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: All mats from disenchanting are sent to the guild bank.
:boom: Nethers, other mats, etc, will be distributed to players at leadership’s discretion.

Copy & paste the discord link or please holler at Sanjeet (GM), Draca (co-GM) or any member of Random Violence for a link to discord for the sign up!
:four_leaf_clover: Good luck & hope to see you in SSC!!! :fire: