[H] LFG returning player mostly PVP but will do anything that fits with shift work

Hello all

I’m a returning player who used to play competitively and I’m looking for a group I can casual raid/pvp/mythic with in shadowlands. I can only play casually due to being a shift worker, due to this I cannot make all scheduled raids. I work 4 days on and then 4 off then 5 days on then 5 off.
I would be alright with being an alternate or being on the secondary raid group.

I have mained rogue since classic and played on and off since then on several accounts.

I plan to play arena heavily in shadowlands but would also like to do a bit of heroic or perhaps mythic raids if the guild needs me.

My experience:
I completed all the bosses in classic during classic except Sapph and KT.
I completed all raids in TBC and managed to get the MH glaive.
I completed all of the Wotlk raids.
All while on the top guild on my little server.

I also completed Gladiator from S1 to S5.

I have casually played the recent expansions but was not a raider due to my schedule and I’d like to try the new content.

I will be on almost non stop for Nov and Dec as i am off work for a few weeks.

If you have a spot for a guy like me please let me know.