[H] LF WPvP/RVG focused guild

Hey guys. Ive been playing WoW on and off since release. Recently coming back to BfA to prep for 8.2. WoW seems pretty dead at the moment (havent seen a single soul out in the world since resubbing) but curious if there’s a wpvp scene and if so, any guilds that focus on that and RBGs specifically. Is ED still alive? LF active pvp guild! (:

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Hello - here is some info to help find out who is doing what on the server:

One way to find your way around Emerald Dream guilds is to check out this spreadsheet by Aeriara!

Link – bit. ly / edguilds (take out the spaces)

And then we have the Horde PSA forum post, which includes some cross-faction gatherings, too. Both the Horde and Alliance in-game community information is included:


Both Horde and Alliance have bar nights, and on the first Saturday of the month, the Alliance hosts a convention for people seeking to learn more about the various guilds.

For information on the Horde RP discord, you can btag me for an invite: MrthePanda#1597 (might even have some info on alliance) or find me on Discord Winter#3381 (best way)

And shameless plug for a small view of the ED shenanigans:


And new on the forums:


Really? No one is looking for PvPers other than Redwood Tribe? o_O

If you would have actually read what lohkawas sent you, there was a write up of all the guilds who pvp and RP. Not just redwood.

Good luck on your journey.

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<_< actually I did read it and researched the google doc as well. Unfortunately, it seems pretty out of date… especially for the horde side. Hence why im still searching…

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I will just say - If any Horde guilds want to be on the spreadsheet and have more exposure - Aeriara will be glad to put the information up there.

I, personally, know more about the RP guilds on the server, so I give you what I have. Good Luck on your search.

I appreciate your help :slight_smile:

Tbh a lot of the guilds stay off the forums. There’s a handful of us on here regularly. Best bet would be to look in game

Thanks for the advice :wink:
I’m definitely looking in-game as well haha xD

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