(H) LF TBC Dad-Guild - Raiding, and Social

Nevermind. Come join us in Hardcore Casuals on Windseeker.

Looking through the forums and I noticed nobody replied to you. Did you end up finding a home for you and your wife that can accommodate family life? If not, send me a message in game on Nexitium or Discord Nexitium#8207

My husband and I are in the same boat. I have played since Vanilla, he started in TBC. We have literally done it all. We have had our own guilds in the past, but really are not interested in doing that again. We both have characters we are leveling, and will be boosting as well. Occasional raiding is fun, but we are more into the leveling, dungeon, social aspects of a guild. If you know of such a guild, please leave a message here or send a message to DivineSpark#1624. Thank you!

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I am in that boat as well. Can’t really devote 3 or more hours to a raid on any given night, but are up for all the other aspects of the game.

Contact me if you two are still looking.

You might want to check out The Old Timers Guild. We’re a 25+ multi-game guild that’s been around for 15 years.

I play Alli, so I can’t speak to how large our Horde chapter is, but I’ve been a member of OTG for over 10 years, across multiple games, and can vouch for it being a great, friendly, casual community.