[H] LF Military RP Guild

Hello. I want to try and find this particular character a home. I’m searching for a Farstrider or Sunreavers oriented RP guild for my half-quel’dorei ranger, but any kind of military focused guild may be viable too. She’s an Alliance traitor and defected to the Horde after the Purge of Dalaran. So, she’s been active within the Horde for a while.

As for myself, I have ten years of RP experience with WoW and have DM’d events in the past (usually as an assistant to the main DM). I’m pretty quiet, but I like talking and meeting new people.

Thank you for your time.


Heya! Your character sounds great! I’d definitely look into WrA Information & Directories - #24 by Vagrul-wyrmrest-accord to see if any guild there catches your attention. I’m not sure if Sunfury Battalion accepts quel’dorei or not but they’re a military blood elf guild.

I can’t think of any others so you may need to look into one of those more race-loose military guilds that are abundant on the server.

Good luck!

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Thank you. I will keep my eye on it and see if any guilds come up that seem open-minded and welcoming. Sunfury looks interesting, but it has “blood elf only. no exceptions” when it comes to races on the directory; so I don’t want to pester them. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Honestly Sunfury Battalion is a super friendly group, so I would still reach out and chat with them! If you want some guild names, I also would not mind chatting as well based on the elvish guilds we have worked with :slight_smile: SpareLyric#1417 is my btag if you wish to chat! I wish you luck and hope you have a dandy day :smiley:


Hi - sent you an in-game mail :smile:. Our blood-elf only policy applies mainly to using the blood elf game model, and IC being a staunch loyalist to Quel’thalas (and have a reason to be part of a rabidly pro-Sin’dorei Thalassian Military organization known for its zealotry). Your description of defecting to the Horde after the Dalaran purge leads me to believe you might fit that criteria. HMU in game if you want to chat!


So about that casual membership

wiggles brows


Okay! I’ll do that. Thank you :smiley: