Hello everyone,
My husband and I have been playing WoW since it first came out 15 years ago. When Classic came out we found ourselves on a International server. Although we love the people in our guild, we are unable to raid with them as it is 3am EST. We are looking for a progressing raiding guild that is mature as well. We are looking for a guild that starts raiding around 7-8pm EST. We have raided quite a bit so we do know our jobs. The 60 mage is also levelling a warrior for tanking, it is at level 40 currently.
Asgaard is currently looking for more raiders for our evening raid. We currently clear MC and are working on BWL. You might be a really good fit for us.
hey check us out , wed 9pm-12 & sunday 7pm-10 need holy priest & mage. Feel free to add me in game