Hey KJ!
I am currently a student and can dedicate a significant amount of time to progression for the next couple years, and would like to find a guild that meets my needs.
I am hoping to join a guild that takes the game seriously but also has fun doing it!
I healed through the first week of Heroic CN and was #10 ilvl on the #2 most populated server in the US. Our comp dropped Druid so I was kind of left behind a bit. Im only putting this here because it’s important that I share-when I go, I go all in. When I play I don’t just log in for raid, I’m on and playing, helping, farming etc.
That being said, I’m currently maining Havoc and would app as that spec, willing to lvl a DPS/Tank alt toon for guild needs.
Vengeance is probably the most fun in terms of mechanics I’ve had in WoW and would like to find a way to eventually work my way into a tanking position in the next few tiers.
I offer consistency and dedication to my guild community. I spend a lot of time offline researching class, fights, etc. I come ready to raid. I’m certainly not the best player around, but I’ve always said that if I’m the worst player on the team, we aren’t doing so bad. Nice person, quiet. Solid all around.