[H] LF Casual raiding guild

Hi, I am looking for a casual raiding guild that raids in the evenings. Some info about me:
-Live on the east coast so on eastern time.
-Professor of biology in real life.
-Currently my main is a marksmanship hunter, also have a leveled arcane mage.
-Liberal views, not a fan of Trump or racists.
-Looking for drama free, adult (>30y) guild.
-Played wow back in Lich King, a little in WoD, most of BFA.
-I am laid back and friendly and happy to help if I can.
-Currently in my personal guild (house Atreides) but happy to join a good fitting guild.

Hey there! Vibe Check might be a good fit for you. Older, chill group that raids Wed/Sun 9-12 EST. Hit me up if you’re interested!

Bnet: Coxington#1306

Hey man we are looking for a hunter to join us currently 4/10 heroic

We too hate trump

Add me on b net
