Looking for a casual guild to level up with and eventually raid with. Currently leveling an undead priest (lvl 15 right now started last week) on Heartseeker. My schedule varies right now as I work night shift 12hrs at a hospital though it will be more consistent in the upcoming months. I’m willing to server hop if needed. Doesn’t seem to be much activity Horde wise on Heartseeker
We have a number of hospital shift workers on our roster, perhaps our raid schedule will work for you too.
Ashen Oath is always looking for new members. We are comprised of mostly players in age of late 20s to 40s … with jobs, families and/or college. Below is our recruit spam. Message me here or bnet if interested.
Who we are:
Ashen Oath is a semi casual raid guild on Earthfury. We come from all walks of life and enjoy reliving the nostalgia of our youth. We started as an EQ TLP raiding guild and have been playing various games ever since. We had a reputation for doing more with less, and we cleared all content in all expansions while building lasting friendships and memories along the way! We are now knee deep in WoW Classic and plan to do all content in all phases! We will as well continue on to TBC and beyond If Blizzard will oblige.
Why pick us?
We have fun and we get stuff done. We are adults and can laugh at jokes, listen when we need to, and ultimately complete our objectives! Whether you are a raider or someone who just likes to log in and chat with friends while leveling, there is a place for you here at Ashen Oath!
Place an application on www. ashenoath .com (Short few minute app)
60% attendance to maintain raid spot
We are accepting all levels currently, but level 60 is required in order to be considered for a permanent raid spot.
Raid Times:
8PM to 12AM EST on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Currently 10/10 MC and Ony down.
Have questions? Feel free to contact any of the guild’s officers for more information:
Hocus (bnet , diablos#1202)
www. ashenoath .com/
discord .gg/YmbKjE
[H} Sulfuras
[H} Sulfuras
We are a gaming community with a long history in World of Warcraft. Our guild leadership has experience completing all aspects of WoW Classic up to and including all of Naxxaramus. With several Server Firsts.
At our core, we aim to enjoy Classic content the way it was meant to be experienced. Our goals are to progress at a high level and complete everything Classic has to offer, but we believe that maintaining a fun, efficient and relaxed atmosphere is imperative to the longevity of any team -
focuses on a culture that is progressive yet not elitist. This allows us to appeal to a much wider variety of players and to offer opportunities to experience and learn the same content the progression team has already completed.
is looking for dedicated, skilled and reliable players that are proactive in looking for ways to maximize their character’s potential, no matter what role they fulfill in the raid. Our players are passionate about the MMO-flavor that Classic brings and we capitalize on the social aspects that come along with that. We are looking for people that want to group up, socialize, and get to know the rest of our community.
As a community we know how to pace ourselves to avoid burnout and ultimately enjoy the game to its fullest and complete all of the content Classic has to offer.
- Tues and Thurs: 8:00 pm Server