[h] <legalize peacebloom> - it’s just a plant!

Legalize Peacebloom is looking for gamers to help legalize peacebloom. We’re a dadcore casual guild with under or over 420 members that do exclusively pve and pvp content.

Raid time is Tues/Wed 7:00-10:30pm ST
(70 minute AQ40 // AQ40/BWL in one night.)

Leadership is experienced and Canadian, and yes, you can play a memespec. We also have monthly duel tournaments, world pvp groups, by far the most world boss kills horde side, and other events coming :v:

We need shaman, hunter, and warlock try-outs specifically but will take anyone with a good attitude. Mail Bigsteve, Zei, check out our discord, or just slide in my dms. Let’s legalize it!! :blossom:


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