[H] Last Pull Recruiting!

Last Pull is looking to bolster our roster for the remainder of Battle for Azeroth and going into Shadowlands! We are a casual raiding guild that is currently 12/12h and looking to start working on some mythic bosses. We are a diverse group of people with many interests other than raiding as well so if you are into mythic+, pets, mounts, transmog, or just like to BS around and be social we have a place for you!

Raid days and times: Thursday 8-11pm EST (Alt night raid, not mandatory)
Friday/Saturday 8-11pm EST (Main raid night)

Currently there are raid spots open for most classes and roles, with moving into mythic and it being limited to 20 people we will be looking at logs and taking performance into account for spots on any night we are attempting mythic bosses. We currently full clear heroic every Friday night.

For any questions or other info you may want feel free to add either myself or the GM (Alextrollbek) to btag and shoot us a message! MaxFury#11815 or DrVonSock#11617

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