Guild Name: KnightsOfTheRound
Faction: Horde
Realm: (US/EU): US
Realm Type: PvE
Realm Timezone: CST
Progression: 9/9H BoD, 1/2H CoS
Raid Times: Tues and Wed - 9 CST to 12 CST, Mon - Off night 9 CST to 12 CST
-Available Openings-
Please reach out if interested regardless of spec and class. All prospects will be considered.
Healers - Prefer Resto Shaman, Mistweaver, Priest.
Melee Dps - Prefer Windwalker Monk, Demon Hunter, Rogue.
Range Dps - Prefer Mage, Balance Druid, Shadow Priest.
Tank - Filled: Prefer DPS class with Tank Offspec.
KnightsOfTheRound is a guild originally formed back in Burning Crusade. Since then, KOTR has always been focused on raiding from a casual to a hardcore level. AotC has been achieved in every raid since implemented, as well as Mythic kills where team size allowed.
KOTR maintains a light raiding schedule of only 6 hours a week of raiding with a 10 min break for each day. An additional off night raid day of 3 hours is optional.
Raid invites start 30 mins before the raid starts to clear trash before the bosses to get a good start on the day. The guild provides the necessary Flasks, Pots, Food, and Runes for the raid.
As a member of the guild and raid team, you bring yourself, a positive yet determined attitude and, of course, knowledge of your class and the raid content. We look forward to hearing from you.
Reach out via Battletag to:
Recruitment Officer stanathos#1945
GM Harkunan#1758