[H] <Knights who say ZUG> |13-14| Tue/Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 | LFM

For more information about the guild, message:
Anyone in the /who Knights who say ZUG. They can get you sorted out, our GM is almost always online or reply here.


We are a PVE raiding guild of capable mature adults that enjoy, questing, clearing dungeons, raiding and general shenanigans. We have a an active discord with an adult oriented atmosphere.

We understand people have a life outside of WoW but we expect people know their class and want to progress on raid nights. We don’t expect people “parse” off the chart but should be open to suggestions on improvements to be a regular contributor.

We have a healthy presence on most of the time and getting H+ or an off night 10 man is common.

We use Discord for Raid Sign ups and comp and 2 SR with MS/OS rolls for non reserved items.


Normal Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday evenings; 8:30PM – 11:30PM Server/Eastern Time


We are recruiting for our Core Raid team. The needed classes are listed below. In addition to recruiting for our Core Raid team, we continue to accept and welcome players that believe the guild would be a good fit for them as they level. We’re flexible and place emphasis on your attitude and fit within the guild.

Core Raiding Classes needed: current as of 5-15-2023

Death Knight: DPS/Dual spec

Druid: Open Double points for Boomy & Resto

Hunter: Open

Mage: Open

Paladin: Bench

Priest: DPS/Bench

Rogue: Open

Shaman: Open

Warlock: Open

Warrior: DPS/ Dual spec


We are currently 13/14 Ulduar

We have a solid core of Tanks and Healers we are focused on building out our pool of DPS and Hybrid specs to fill multiple 10 mans and take over for absences.


For more details about our loot system, raiding goals and/or schedule, class/spec needs, or if you just want to chat; please contact us in game.



Check out our website!