[H] JPMORGAN CHASE Recruiting for Ulduar, Tuesday-Wednesday | 7p to 10p server time (pst)

Main Raid Times:
Tuesday-Wednesday | 7p to 10p server time (pst)
Optional 10M Raid Times:
Sunday | 7p to 10p server time (pst)

Currently Recruiting:
Mostly in need of Shadow Priest, Resto Druid w/ DPS OS, Feral Cat, Warlocks, Rogue, Frost/UH DK and Hunter for core raid.
Also looking for any experienced casual players who would like to fill in and raid on off nights.

About Us:
JPMC is a guild with the main goal of raiding through Wrath Classic. We are a semi-hardcore group with a focus on clearing content efficiently, all while having a good time together. We do plan to clear HARDMODES. When it comes to our raids, we expect everyone to know fights, be attentive and on-time, and ready to bring it in raid.

Additional Info:

• Raid invites start around 6:30pm server time
• Loot system is DKP. 10 man raids are MS>OS
• We have been clearing 17/17 3D since the first week of launch

For more information or any questions, feel free to join our discord and message one of our officers or admins there.
