Jetpack Ninja Dinosaurs (H) Mankrik Classic Wotlk
25 Man Raiding Guild
Phase 4 Season of Disaster
Not only has your guild been hit by Season of Disaster , but so have we! And we are in need of some roles to be filled for 25 Heroic ICC Progression, Currently 8/12 Heroic With Putricide, Princes, and Sindragosa being our next targets to complete, with the holiday season upon us we will pick back up our regular scheduled raiding on January 2nd 2024 so we are trying to get these last few spots filled up so we can get right back into the citadel, and back where we left off.
Currently Recruiting Highest Priority for Composition
- Balance Druid (Boomkin Druid)
- Holy Paladin
- Frost Death Knight
- Fire Mage, Or Affliction Warlock
- Shadow Priest
All Classes Considered, Need Slots Filled immediately!
Gear score Requirement 5600
Loot Council - Loot Distribution
Utilizing the RcLootCouncil Classic Addon Through Curseforge Client
What we offer
- A community built on camaraderie, friendship, and mutual respect.
- Regular raiding schedules and a focus on progression
- Active Multi Gaming Discord community for effective Communication and Engagement
- Someone said something about some candy, haven’t seen any
What we expect from you
- Dedication and commitment to the guild and its goals.
- Solid knowledge of your class and the willingness to optimize your performance.
- Reliable attendance for raids and a strong focus on personal and raid performance.
- Openness to both receive and provide constructive feedback in a supportive environment.
@ Warcraft Logs > Wotlk Classic > Jetpack Ninja Dinosaurs (H) -Mankrik
Join discord > Jetpack Directory > Select Jetpack Ninja Dinosaurs Role > Wotlk Raids Category > Raid General Chat <— Get Connected!
Contacts in Game That are Available for Invites or for more info
- Protôbölt - Tríckynicky (Guild Master)
- Immastoner / Fotweny (Officer)
- Deathzord, Deathzordjr (Officer)
- Everlord / Everbold (Officer)
hope to hear from you soon! we are always interested in bringing along more fellow jetpackers to continue our quest to defeat Arthas Menethil
Casual friendly, and always have open recruitment for anyone that is just interested in enjoying the game, and the adventure.