[H] Jellyfish - AOTC Wed/Thu - 7/9 H

Jellyfish was formed at the end of March 2020 on Zul’jin by some longtime WoW Friends.
We managed to get 11/12 NYA Mythic quickly, with the goal of being a relaxed mythic prog guild.
We are now an AOTC guild of former mythic raiders that want to push and complete AOTC quickly with a high level of play - then have free time for whatever we like doing!

Our core:
AotC together since Uldir

as a guild:
11/12 M Nyalotha
8/10 M Castle Nathria
3/10 M SoD - Took a break because of the blizz news
2/8 M - VotI - 2-3 bosses a tier is now our goal :slight_smile:
3/8 M Aberrus

7/9 H Amirdrassil so far


  • AOTC every tier, 2-3 mythic bosses. Then just do skip runs once a week.
  • Learning, getting better and pushing ourselves every pull and every kill.
  • A friendly community
  • We strive to be better after every wipe, and still have fun with it on a light schedule :slight_smile:

We get AOTC, run that for a few more weeks - 2-3 mythic bosses, some alt runs and skip runs for a few more weeks -And then call raiding till the next tier.
Some members have mythic+ goals, some have PVP goals, and some would like to play other games after achieving AOTC without having to find a new guild every tier.
You must be ok with this if you reach out :slight_smile:

Extra Guild Stuff

  • Community is important to us so: Every tier we plan at least one non-raid activity in each category: Mount runs, mog runs, achievements, dueling tournaments, jackbox nights and transmog contests.
  • We aim for a weekly RBG night. (1800-2k mmr))


Wed + Thurs 8:45-11:15 PM EST

Recruiting and Requirements:

High: DPS DK (tank OS a plus), Demon Hunter,
Med: Shadow priest (heal OS), Dps Shaman (heal OS), Non paladin healer

445 ilvl
Look up fights, ask questions. Take constructive critique well, and improve yourself. Our members try hard to play to the best of our ability. We expect the same from anyone that joins.

We have no room for elitism or rude people. Everything can be approached from a standpoint of just respecting other humans.

Add me on bnet if you have any other questions: Fifth#1980
Save time and ask the question(s), what you play and links to logs :slight_smile:

9/9N 4/9H bump

You get all the dreadful tokens :slight_smile: come get em, join as we get AOTC next week!

20% left til AOTC - need warlock and DH!

Also looking for a DK and ret pally!

any warlocks, priests or shammys? :smile:

9/9N 4/9H bump

I’ll be reaching out in the morning when I get home from work