| Horde | PVP | Semi-hardcore/Hardcore | Community based | Past Top#50 US Ranks In Classic Era
Guild Mission Statement: To provide quality raiding experience in a positive uplifting environment. We set the stage for success, are goal oriented, and strive for excellence. We push towards the “hardcore” side of raiding, but never make wow a second job.
Guild Achievements:thunderfury: :
Classic Server First Nax15/15 (Rank#18th NA)
Classic Server First AQ9/9
Founded World boss Coalition, over 300+ kills.
Raid Team
Tuesdays + Wednesday EST Raid times
7:30pm-7:45pm (Invites)
7:45pm-7:50pm (Prep / fill from bench)
Culture: Invoke is a semi-hardcore raiding guild formed with the launch of Kronos3 in early 2018. Invokes officer team and raiders have cleared all vanilla content through naxx in the past, and have been part of some of the top speed running guilds in the world. We value Attitude, performance, and maturity above all! Come join a friendly guild that is ready and able to clear all vanilla content in a timely manner. A lot of our players have been away during TBC or raiding in some competitive guilds. With the launch of Fresh realms we have decided to jump back in to Azeroth!
Loot: Invoke uses a transparent loot council system, the council looks at a lot of factors for distributing loot with performance and attendance having a large weight. Other factors are, class patch BIS lists, when did a player last receive a good drop, how long will that class use that item, how large of an upgrade it is, and “How does this best benefit the raid group”. We try our best to spread the loot around to make everyone feel included, no one person should be stacked.
Recruiting Warlocks, a spellhance, and any ranged dps. Please reach out either on discord at Expectances#4441 or in game at Socket#11283 . We are currently clearing all 25 man raids in one raid night.