[H] <Insurgence> BFA 8/8H LFM

Looking for mature aged casual raiding and mythic+ dungeon guild ?
<Insurgence> might be the place for you. Raids are Wednesday and Sundays.

Who are we?

Insurgence have been around MMO's for awhile now. We started as a Beta Guild in SWTOR then continued for some time before venturing into multiple MMOs (GW2, ESO, NWO, BF3/BF4, Wildstar & WoW). One thing has always stayed the same. We are a small community of mature aged gamers, average age of over 28. We focus more on group play and social interaction. We have currently built BFA raid and mythic+ farm groups.

Are we right for you?

Casual Member
Although we would like to progress through endgame we definitely accept casual members. We don’t have to many expectations on our casual members.

Our prime time is around 7pm - 12am +10 GMT. This is when our events will be scheduled. Most of our members have families and full time jobs. So our play time outside of these hours are sporadic, most likely when we "chuck a sickie" to play some WOW.

Events will be scheduled in game.
We use Discord to communicate and socialise. We ask all members to use this during guild activities.

Core Raider Member
These core players are what I would deem as hardcore players trapped in the playing schedule of a casual.
Min/Maxing for your desired roll.
Maturity to handle slower progression, not prone to childish rage rants about not progressing as fast as 7 night a week Hardcore Guilds.

If you've signed up for a raid then we expect you to be on time and have sufficient resources for the event. Remember other people are counting on you!

Raid Times:
Wednesday 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Sunday 8:00pm - 11:00pm

Mythic + Groups
Monday - Sunday 7pm on-wards. We usually run as much and as many groups as we can.

In game Contacts:
Necrotics: Necrotics #6765
Great to have a few more DPS come on board. Be great to see some healers! and if you can dual spec DPS for Raid and Dungeon Tank!
Now 7/8N and 4/8H.

Looking for:

Ranged DPS - Hunters, Mages.
Melee DPS - Monk (with off spec for M+ tanking)

Raids are:
Heroic Wednesdays - 8pm to 10pm AEST
Normal Sunday Funday - 8pm to 11pm AEST

Although a casual guild we do expect our members to run M+ to gear up, M+ score over 100 on https://raider.io/
As of last week 8/8N & 4/8H

Still looking for:

Ranged DPS - Hunters, Mages.
Melee DPS - Monk (with off spec for M+ tanking)
Update 5/8H. We are also trialing a 2nd Heroic night Thursdays 8pm AEST (9pm ADST)

Still looking for Ranged DPS, especially Mages.
Also looking for Mythic+ Tanks
Update 6/8H. Heroic Raiding Wednesday and Sunday 8PM AEST (+10GMT). M+ farming Friday and Saturday.

Looking for to help fill out roster:
1x Rogue
1x Mage
1x Warlock
1x Hunter
Update to Roster:
We are looking for active people to fill out our Heroic roster. Mainly looking for RDPS. Although we will take on any enthusiastic player.

Schedule has changed a bit.
Uldir Heroic: Wed+Sun 8pm(QLD) 9pm(NSW) 6pm(WA) 2hr raids.
Organised Mythic+ Dungeon Night: Mon 8pm(QLD) 9pm(NSW) 6pm(WA)

7/8H - Mythrax down.

Still looking for DPS heading into 8.1

H G’Huun dead, heading into Mythic this weekend! Still looking for good DPS & Healers!

Hey guys. Still chasing people?