Are you tired of meticulously preparing yourself for raids, educating yourself on all the current clearing strategies, making sure you have researched through discord, logs and videos on how to better optimize your gear, enchants, consumes, and rotations, just to find that your teammates are okay with being mediocre, and are not putting in any effort to improving themselves? Then do I have the guild for you.
Raid Times
Tuesdays/Wednesdays @ 2000-2300 Server Time, with a 3rd Flex Day Sunday for progression only as specific needs (get that last pull or kill in, PTR practice etc…) or Alt raids (if deemed appropriate) @ 2000-2300 Server Time (that’s Eastern Time Zone).
Loot System: That’s My BIS (TMB)
What are we looking for
TBC is done. We are building out our Wrath raid roster and are looking for decent players (returning, new, current) who are willing to learn to follow mechanics and try to improve their understanding of their class (discords, logs, community forums, videos), and help others do the same.
We have core healers and tanks but could always use more, especially those who like to have a raid ready alt or dual spec for more than one role.
If you are interested or have any questions, please message Zenadin#8617 on discord or stop on by for a chat.
Split Raiding
Once content goes to farm (content can be completed within a 3-hour raid night), we will split the main raid in two, with half mains in each raid filling the rest with our alts. The same 25 raiders will raid on both raid nights, one on their main, and one on their alt. This has many benefits:
· Raid team flexibility as life events happen. (a critical role can be filled by a raid geared alt if needed).
· Ability to have 2 raid geared toons for the same amount of raid time.
· Better gear distribution for contested items. If we have 4 healers all wanting an item, we can split them up and have 2x the opportunity for it to drop (think legendries).
· More time to practice as a team.
· Ability to see the raid from another role’s perspective.
· Ability to have more of a contested role (only 2 tanks in a normal raid comp, but with splits we can have 4).
· More permissive COMPs for splits. (We don’t need a strict meta comp for splits).
· Keeps the content fresh.
· Allows for flexibility in later phases as the meta shifts.