H <Impulse> Tues&Wed 7:30-10:30 LFM

Hi! My wife and I are looking for a guild and a raid team for 9.1. I sent you a friend request on Discord and Battle net. Looking forward to chatting!

Looking for more DPS for 9.1!

We’re still recruiting DPS!

We still have room for more DPS! :slight_smile: Raid starts tomorrow!

Hey, are you interested in having a ret pally? I sent you a friend request in game.

I just transferred to Zul’jin on the weekend.

We’re still around, currently on hiatus from heroic raiding until 9.2 but if you wanna do normal raid runs and mythic+, we still living.

We do normal clears on wednesday 19h30 server, and we do spontaneous mythic+ almost every day.

We’re still going every tier, we cleared normal Aberrus and reached 4/9 H last week. Last night we recleared normal and tonight will be working on more heroic bosses. Always looking for more DPS to join our team :slight_smile: Bonus points if you enjoy running a little M+ with the guildies outside of raid.

Two new heroic bosses down last night :slight_smile: Still have some room for DPS available, reach out to me.

Last night we got Neltharion down, bringing us to 8/9H. Now we work on the final boss! Looking for more.

My wife and I are looking for a raiding guild that works best with our RL schedules. She tanks on a guardian Druid and I heal on a resto Druid. We also do M+. Do y’all need any tanks/healers? She currently only tanks in raid and M+, no off spec. We are both 420+ ilvl with 7/9 heroic raiding experience. were looking for a guild we can raid in together and where she can tank and I can heal.

My battle tag is subzerore#11309

Thanks for your interest! We’re currently full on tanks and healers. Best of luck with your search.