< IMMINENT> Is a 25 man raiding guild of a group of fun people with a laid-back environment getting progression done. We raid Tues-Wed. 8pm -11pm server 13/14 (25man) LF Dps, RSham, RDruid, HPally to finish off our Ulduar team. Must join disc. MS>OS +1. Social players welcome as well. If interested contact Angelix (Mistifie#1835) or Holyghostpwr ingame
Updated, still looking for Rogue, Mage, EleShaman
Updated, in need of Feral Druid, AffLock, ArmWarr, Rogue & El/EnSham
Updated, In need of Warlock, Arm Warr, Ele Sham, Enh Sham
Upadate, LF Dps & Heals