(H) Illidanp 215 MM hunter, 208 Prot/Ret/holy Paladin LF Guild

I am 9/10 H on both charectors. Very familiar with Denathrius fight but my groups keep dying at 25%.

I would like to find a guild that raids heroic often and would like to become part of the mythic team eventually. I average parse in the 60% range on all fights on my hunter. I am failry competitive and I expect to get my average parse in the 90% range. Some fights much higher, a fight lower. I am very focused on improving at all times but i am an above average player now.

As said I have a 215 MM hunter, and a 208 prot paladin. I really like to tank and will look to play as prot but willing to play holy or ret as well.

I am looking for a M progression guild. I don’t enjoy guys throwing tantrums if the boss doesn’t work out. However, I really do like to focus on progression.

I’m a 28 year old guy that is somewhat an unstereotypical WoW player. I’m not sure how to say this but I would like to find a guild that can talk about other things and maybe other games, but also be serious raiders without being die hards.

215 MM hunter, 208 Prot paladin. I would really like to main or off tank for the guild as well as DPS on my MM.

I am open to almost all raid schedules.

I played Vanilla and BC as a kid.

I like to PvP as well.

Discord- Joe / Reineir / Marckus#6655

WoW charector: Reineir- Illidan Marckus- Illidan

email- jordandeaver1992@gmail.com

Hey Reineir!

Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our Roster.

If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!

we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us!

Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Hey there!

We don’t totally fit the bill because we aren’t pushing into mythic CN, but you sound like a good fit with us so I wanted to reach out anyway. We have AOTC and we clear heroic every week. Currently looking to expand our raid team and mess about on alts. We have a prot pally but we need a hunter or ret or holy. We are really just chill (we have fun but we focus when it comes time to drop enemy hp). Several of us love PvP and we run our keys together as well. If you’d like to check us out, we are keep it simple on Zul’jin and we raid every Tuesday Thursday 7-10 ET. You can also shoot me a message on discord at Mewtron#1847

Definitely interested in having you join our guild. Currently we are 8/10 with some 9/10 and others 10/10 H-Castle Nathria. The main reason we are not further along is low raid members, and the time it takes to fill our group with pugs.

Our Guild is The Dreaded, Horde, Laughing Skull/Cho’gal Server group being on our realm is not required just being present and added to one of these discord/community/battletag is needed to raid with us. Love to give you a tryout.
We Raid Tuesday and Thursday 8pm-11pm EST, and sometimes we will add a third day based off of what the guild/group is feeling. We also run higher Mythic Keys 14+ on most of our core people.

You are welcome to add me as I have added you,
Discord: PikulJuice#0201
Battletage: MainlineJunk#1605
In-Game name: MainlineJunk-Cho’gal

Hey Reineir!
I’d love to talk with you about our guild. Based off what you said, I think we could be a good fit!

I tried added you on discord but it didn’t work. Add me and let’s talk! Legerity#6788

Hi Reineir! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!


bump and bump