[H] [Illidan] War Crimes 6/8M LF MT and Exceptional DPS for S2 Sun/Tues 7-10

:busts_in_silhouette: Guild: War Crimes
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Illidan

Raid Times/Days: Central-Tuesday & Sunday 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

6/8M Mythic Nerub-ar Palace

War Crimes is a raiding guild currently finishing Heroic with plans to push into mythic. We primarily raid but have a good core of people who love to push mythic plus keys.

While raiding is a priority, many members of the guild push M+ key rating and some are active in the PVP aspect. Before everything, we are a community guild looking to be friends inside and outside of raids, playing other games, and hanging out in Discord.

Requirements: We are looking for individuals who want to achieve CE, push Mythic+ content, and try to get a couple of mythic kills. We are looking to build a community of like-minded individuals.

Because we focus on Mythic, our needs are flexible. All should apply if they feel confident and competitive.

Current Needs:

  • DPS (All Competitive DPS)

Main Tank
Warrior DPS
ENH Shaman

Any and all other DPS specs will be looked at.

  • Healers (Competitive Healers)

Looking for at least one healer for S2 that can flex

How to apply:

Apply in-game or message any of the following

Islêy - Isley#11110
Komosky - Komosky#1266

Still lookin for peeps

Still looking for people

Still looking for a few more to fill our roster for S2!

Still looking for a Main tank

Looking for a couple more…come on down!

Still looking for a few more!!!