[H] [Illidan] 9/10M - 3 day - LF Boomkin, Warlock, Healer
Raid Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9-11pm CST
Current Prog: p1 Sylvanas
About Us:
- CE focused guild based around the idea of more casual hours
- Goal of building a consistent roster to foster a non-toxic environment
- Many of our raiders have experience being US top 100 in previous tiers
- Very active outside of raid hours doing M+, PvP, and other games such as Apex, and League
- Weekly Heroic clears on Saturday Night (optional)
Recruitment Needs: (all will be considered)
- Ranged DPS: Mage, Warlock, SPriest, Boomkin
- Healers: Mistweaver, Holy or Disc Priest, Hpal, Sham
- Melee: DH
- Tank:
Recruitment Contacts:
- Discord: Notey#0001
- Discord: Skxx#3001
Logs - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/573655
WoWProg - https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/illidan/Inferno
Come join us and I’ll make you memes on discord, free of charge. (For now.)
Lets go, have to kill sylvie before 9.2; otherwise the raid wont make any sense. Cuz the lore is all the matters right?
Before joining Inferno, I was a small, little, lost Pimo, no guild, no motivation, no kills on mythic. Now? I’m 9/10, eating at the nicest restaurants, wearing the freshest of clothes, and hanging out with the hottest dudes. Joining us guarantees a grand ole time with the lads, memes on the daily, we playin apex, league, we watching movies together n literally anything else you can think of on discord. We a vibin group of homies.
No dks apply, i aint tryna lose my spot tho. ty love u, kisses.
I would like a #5 with cheese, a coke zero, and small fry.
Dear Boomies, Locks, and Disc Priests.
My name is Pimmy and nothing would make me happier than if you applied to our lovely group of friends, in return, I shall provide you with (3) PimmyTM discord memes as well as (1) free copy pasta dedicated in your name. 
Currently on the lookout for Disc Priests, Boomkins, and Warlocks! Hit us up!
On the lookout for Disc and Holy Priests, reach out to us on discord at Pimoha#0621