H [Illidan] <Héllborn> Recruiting to Create a Friendly & Chill Community - 10/10 H

<Héllborn> is recruiting people to establish a friendly and chill community for clearing all kinds of content together (Raids, M+, RBGs, etc.) all while still having fun.
Casuals are more than welcome to join, currently at 9/10 H with experienced mythic raiders.

UPDATE: We just got AOTC, so we are on 10/10 H now!

Our raid times are based on people’s availabilities for now but usually we raid Tues/Thurs at 8-11 PM EST.

We are all a bunch of friends who play all sorts of games together outside of WoW as well.
If that sounds like your cup of tea and you want to join our small community/family you can whisper me in game or add my discord Skawt#3320.