I am 9/10 H on both charectors. Very familiar with Denathrius fight but my groups keep dying at 25%.
I would like to find a guild that raids heroic often and would like to become part of the mythic team eventually. I average parse in the 60% range on all fights on my hunter. I am failry competitive and I expect to get my average parse in the 90% range. Some fights much higher, a fight lower. I am very focused on improving at all times but i am an above average player now.
As said I have a 215 MM hunter, and a 208 prot paladin. I really like to tank and will look to play as prot but willing to play holy or ret as well.
I am looking for a M progression guild. I don’t enjoy guys throwing tantrums if the boss doesn’t work out. However, I really do like to focus on progression.
I’m a 28 year old guy that is somewhat an unstereotypical WoW player. I’m not sure how to say this but I would like to find a guild that can talk about other things and maybe other games, but also be serious raiders without being die hards.
215 MM hunter, 208 Prot paladin. I would really like to main or off tank for the guild as well as DPS on my MM.
I am open to almost all raid schedules.
I played Vanilla and BC as a kid.
I like to PvP as well.
Discord- Joe / Reineir / Marckus#6655
WoW charector: Reineir- Illidan Marckus- Illidan
email- jordandeaver1992@gmail.com
Seems your Discord does not work. However here is some info about Everest.
Everest [10/10H] is a Relaxed Semi-hardcore 2 Day Progression guild on Area-52. We recently formed at the start of Shadowlands and are currently looking to round out our Mythic Roster.
Outside of Raids we RBG, M+ and play a variety of other games with each other. It is not uncommon to find a member or two hanging out in discord chatting during the day and at night people are running a variety of things.
Tuesday 8PM-11PM EST(Eastern Time)
Wednesday 8-11PM EST( Eastern Time)
Sunday 8-11PM EST (Eastern Time) - Relear/Alt Run
Mage: Frost/Fire
If your class or specialization is not listed, we encourage you to still apply. We recruit the player, not the class.
What We Provide:
Flasks/Food/Vantus Runes/Oils/Stones/Armor Kits are all provided for progression content.
New to Raiding?
We welcome players that are looking to start end-game raiding. As 9.0 is our first raid tier as a team we are always looking to add and help generate new talent.
Contact for more info:
Trial spots open for raid tonight 10pm-1am EST
< Revoke Sanity > -has been clearing content together for over 7 years (Started in Siege of Orgrimmar). Looking for people for our raid team; however, accepting all people to run keys or casually hang with us! We took a break at the end of last expansion so we are looking for new friends to play with!
Our raiding philosophy: Enjoy playing the game with cool people and kill bosses. We consider ourselves a semi-hardcore guild without the elitist attitudes that seems come with Mythic Raiding.
Our expectations are simple. Pull your weight, do what needs to be done to successfully raid mythic.
Looking to finish filling our team with some dedicated raiders to come progress with us and enjoy what Shadowlands has to offer.
Last Tier we progressed: 12/12 H & 8/12 M
Current Progression: 10/10H & 2/10M
Raid Times: Wednesday & Thursday 10 PM - 1 AM EST.
You can contact me on Discord- Sharkbait#2856
We may be a good fit for ya as we are looking for a hunter to round out our core for mythic 
We are Sundust Syndicate on US- Illidan and currently 10/10H
Raid Times!
(Optional Farm) Sunday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST
(Progression) Tuesday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST
(Progression) Thursday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST
Questions? Please contact: GM: (Bnet) KiwiTiger#11312 | (Discord) KiwiTiger#3279
Hey Reineir, we’re currently 2/10M looking to fill our roster with some exceptional Ranged dps. We raid tues/thurs 8-11est. Our tank slots are filled up currently, but are always looking for more off tanks to help with keys ect. If you’re interested in joining us on your hunter we’d be happy to hear from you!