Tyrannical is a small guild comprised of tight-knit and long-term friends. We push keys, dabble in arena, and raid one night each week.
Time: Thursdays 5-8pm PST
Current Progression: 11/11H
We will occasionally run an optional Wednesday night during the first few weeks of a tier.
We’re currently seeking DPS and flex healers with a higher interest in the following specs:
- Mage
- Shadow Priest
- Boomkin
- Warlock
- Warrior
Even if your spec isn’t listed here, any players who are willing to push themselves and work to push each other as a team are welcome to apply. Our goal each raid tier is to get AOTC and then tackle a few Mythic bosses if our roster allows.
We also love pushing keys with many of our members achieving Keystone Master each season as well as some even pushing for Keystone Hero. Even if you aren’t interested in raiding or PvP, we’d love to have you for M+!
While PvP isn’t our primary focus, we also have a healthy amount of guildies who enjoy getting their hands dirty in arenas and RBGs with a handful achieving Duelist and beyond. We also enjoy running some guild RBGs when there is enough interest.
Even though competitive end-game content is a big draw, we also have a lot of long-term players who enjoy all aspects of the game. If you’re a collector, pet battler, achievement hunter, tmog enthusiast, or otherwise, you’ll likely find others interested in these too and willing to help out. Once a raid tier goes on farm we will occasionally throw in old achievement runs from past tiers.
We are a bunch of WoW loving nerds who enjoy pushing ourselves and each other in all aspects of the game. Our jokes are bad, our lock cookies are questionable, but if you are looking for a relaxed and accepting place to play this game at a reasonably competitive rate with some quirky company then we’d be excited to meet you.
If interested, please contact Kyx#1728 or anyone online in Tyrannical.
Zug zug.