[H] [Hyjal] <Intricate> Recruiting for N/H Progression Castle Nathria

We’re a group of friends who have been raiding together for 5-10 years, we’re semi-laid back and are wanting to push into this raid tier on a Normal/Heroic level.

Our main priority for recruitment at the moment is finding a Mage/Lock/Hunter, and DH, aswell as a WW Monk with off-spec Mistweave.

Our guild has alot of awesome people in it, and we want to continue to bolster our roster with good and genuine individuals, who also like vidja games.

We have more melee than casters at the moment, so if any other caster players who are exceptional at their class, will still be considered even if we have that slot filled.

As of right now we are 7/10N, 1/10H

Raid schedule: Tuesday/Thursday, times are 6:15-8:45pm PST (server)
(Thursdays will change during the holidays, specifically for the 24th, 31st)

If you are interested at all, throw me a whisper in-game and we can chat!

  • Voltage#1648 GM
  • Quaggsly#1464 Raid Leader/Officer

Would love a demon hunter or ww monk to join us! Hope to see you soon.

Wouldn’t mind chatting with ya a bit. DH here. Namepending #11345

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What time do you all raid?

Tuesday/Thursday, times are 6:15-8:45pm PST (server) :slight_smile:

Need a solid off-healer to round out our group! Shamans and monks, where you at?!?!?!

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Still looking for more bodies to raid CN! Let’s get it!

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We are still recruiting! Please reach out. We are in need of a mage/lock and a solid DH/WW! Hit us up!!

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