[H] <Hustlers of Azeroth>


25 mans - Tues/Wed 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST

10 mans - Thurs/Fri 9:30pm - 12am EST (Sometimes Fri/Sat)

Contact Info

Discord - add Gitzum#8950

Ingame Names - Nroblew, Painul, Brazie, Talladar, Wilbertt, Kalmaa, or Pandahugs

Our Progress so far and Goals for the Future.

We are 17/17 +2D hailing from Windseeker server we recently made the move to Mankrik due to Population struggles, on a server with 5k population 2.5k being horde at the beginning - mid of Phase one we were top 50 on Windseeker guild wise and clearing naxx 25 in about 2 1/2 hours By the end of our time on Windseeker it was a struggle to fill out 25s and get them finished due to unreliable pugs and lack of Recruits.

Our Goals for the future are to Fill out the 25 man team and have 2 stable 10 man teams running. Ulduar is a challenge we welcome with open arms. We wanna be a home for all playstyles at the end of the day though Raiders and Non-Raiders alike are welcome. We just ask that if you wanna be on the 25 man team you are Consistent and Put in the work/Effort to be a good player.

Classes needed

DPS - Hunter, Warlock, Unholy DK, Elemental Shaman, Rogue, and Feral Druid.

Healers - Holy pally, Resto Druid, and Holy Priest

Additional info on who we are

We Started as a Guild on EverQuest about a Year ago and swiftly grew to be 250-300+ members strong. When we heard WoTLK classic was coming out a lot of us knew we were gonna be playing it when it dropped so instead of Bailing on EQ entirely we opted to Take Hustlers MMO-Global and make it a Gaming Community for Multiple games. As of 12/18/2022 EverQuest and WoW WoTLK are our main 2 games and the only 2 games with a Hustlers of guild created. We are interested in games like Ashes of Creation and Pantheon Rise of the fallen in the future but for now we are focused on the present and killing the lich king! If we sound like a good fit for you contact us and become a Hustler today!