[H] <Hustlers of Azeroth>

Hustlers of Azeroth is looking for more members to fill its ranks!
our 25 man team currently raids on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9:30pm EST we have open spots for DPS, Heals, and 1 Tank.

Dps needed : Rogue, Hunter, Warlock

Heals needed : Resto shaman, Holy pally

Tanks needed : Prot pally or Druid tank preferably

We are a Community that started in EverQuest as Hustlers of Norrath and when WoTLK was announced we knew we had to get in on the fun, All loot in raids is MS>OS /roll 100 for MS and /roll 99 for OS we do 3 Soft res for guildies 2 soft res for pugs system. We strive to be fair and fun because at the end of the day its a game and thats all we are here for is fun so contact me in game and become a Hustler today! Even if you aren’t one of the classes mentioned above please feel free to contact us!

Leadership : Zergxes and Deevorce

Officers : Corpsejunky, Hardx, Reglek, Beevy, Viindari