[H] Hunter/? Looking for raiding guild

Howdy, I am currently looking for a guild, and am considering Hyjal as the server I focus my efforts on as it’s one of the decent few PST servers. I am coming off a year’s absence from the game. I moved to a new place and decent reliable internet wasn’t an option until recently. My old guild whom I have been with since its inception in MoP has recently stopped raiding altogether. I have been playing since Vanilla, I have some of the HWL armor and weps to prove it. I’ve hardcore raided in most expansions. I was doing mythic Nyo before moving and pushing keys I think I had a couple of +17s. Before I left I was raiding on my hunter, and my monk as both tank/heals. Right now I have my hunter at 60 and he’s finished the chains of domination quest, I’m still working on gearing him up, it’s a process as a DPS, without a guild. I’ve got an abundance of free time. I am looking for a good solid fit. I am reliable, I come prepared, and I have a healthy attitude towards the game, I am just looking for a good home and some cool folks to play with. I would be willing to play a handful of different classes depending on what the group needs, that being said Id need to start working on those so the sooner I find a home the sooner I can get ready.
If you need a warm body, that doesn’t stand in the bad, shows up on time please feel free to message me, let’s talk. I can make most raid times work.

Wooley jump over and ill help u as much as i can . get u up and ready to raid …as for guild u join what u want . the guild i’m in is ok . but right now u need ilvl and buddys to play with . i sent u a friend request . let me know / im also retired and can and do play alot . so i have time .

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