[H] Hunter looking for Guild (Anytime M-Th 6PM+)

Wrapping up grad school next week and looking to spend some of the newfound free time getting back into raiding. I can commit to weekdays after 6PM (excluding Friday)

I’ve been playing since classic and I’ve mained hunter in every expac but TBC (rogue) / WOTLK (mage). I have played a mix of PVP/PVE, with a heavy emphasis on PVP in retail lately because I haven’t had consistent free time between work and school. My raiding experience came during OG TBC, WOTLK, and MOP. During those times I was a respected, dependable, and competent member with a solid understanding of class and encounter mechanics. I am looking for a semi-serious guild, preferably one that is laid back but still has expectations that members learn and contribute. I’d rather down less bosses than deal with toxicity.

It would be great to find a community to wrap up TBC with. I haven’t been playing classic much, but my toon has mostly pre-raid BIS (at the time of TBC release). I will be working on gearing up more after Finals next week as well as preparing for Wrath.

Char Name: Broncs
BID: Mudge#1558

Please reach out if you think I might be a good addition to your community.