Hey All,
Me and my two friends have recently transferred from Area 52 and are looking for a new home. Two of us (hunter, priest) are wanting to raid as soon as possible and do M+, and the other one (shaman) wants to slowly get into M+ and raiding and be semi casual. He is coming from a world first caliber Classic guild and is wanting some time off of raiding for a bit.
We are all in our 30s with families, responsibilities, etc and are looking for like minded people in a non toxic environment to thrive and have fun. We have been playing since vanilla and looking for a new home here. We absolutely want to progress but don’t want to be bleeding edge or hardcore.
The times and days that would be best for us are 2x a week with the raids ending no later than 10pm EST. Feel free to message me on Battlenet or reply here!
Battlnet: Baldguy#11246