[H] ⌛ Hourglass | Atiesh| Hardcore | Weekend Night Raiding | 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony

Almost the weekend! If you’ve been looking for a raiding guild, now’s a great time to join and push some levels!

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looking for heals and dps

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The weekend is upon us, which means there will be a lot of leveling going on! Come join our awesome team!

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lf dps n heals

Still time to join! Lots of dungeon groups running in the 10 - 40 group range!

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Still looking for a few DPS and healers to round out our roster!

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looking for 2 healers: pref’ 1 druid and 1 priest
looking for 1 dps: pref 1 warrior

Almost full! Get in touch with Macc if you’re interested in filling the roles above!

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Looking for two healers

We love healers!


^^ What he said!

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Still looking for our last 2 healers (pref druid and priest)!

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at this point in recruitment we are in need of 2 healers.
pref druid and priest or druid and shaman

we have a lot of people in the mid-30s to just hitting 50. Come join us!

Looking for two healers

Back to the top for a great group!

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More people hitting 40! We want more awesome people to join us in our journey!

Still looking for our last 2 healers (pref druid and priest)!

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Added both contacts on Discord. Looking forward to chatting with you about the guild.


looking for healers!
come hang out with the best guild ever