[H] ⌛ Hourglass | Atiesh| Hardcore | Weekend Night Raiding | 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony

More are welcome!

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Almost that time!

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Welcome to classic wow friends
Looking for 3 DPS out of either Hunter, Mage, Warrior
2 Heals out of Priest, Druid, Shaman

Come on down!

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Due to people not willing to commit to a hardcore schedule/mindset, we are looking to recruit about 10 more raiders to fill out ranks. This includes;
1 Warrior tank
1 Warrior DPS
4 Healers: Any class
4 DPS: Open to Mage, Warrior, Lock, Rogue, Hunter

We want to reiterate, we are a very friendly bunch but we enjoy playing at a top level. We do not want players not willing to commit to being the best they can possibly be.

Day 2 bump! A bunch of us are in the mid teens now. If you want to hop in on the fun, contact us!

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Most of our guildies are pushing their way to level 30 today. I expect most of our guild to be 30-40 by tomorrow night.

Looking for 1 tank
4 Heals

The hype is real! Come join the fun!

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Need more for server first dungeon clears

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Looking for the following
1 Off Tank
4 Healers

Join the team!

Are you still looking? I am not a raider atm just a farmer. My boyfriend is a raider and has weekends off. We have a 1 year old so I took the time off of raiding to tend to him. Once he gets a little older ill return back to raiding but until then I just farm all day. My boyfriend is a classic player and I am a end of vanilla player. We are looking for a guild that best fits our schedule and it seems this one may be it?

my battletag is Amalith#1820

i’ll add you and we can talk a bit! :smiley:

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Looking for more to fill our ranks! HIGH need for:

  • Rogues
  • Mages
  • Warrior DPS
  • Healers (any class)

Add MakkachinSox#1572 on BNet or MakkachinSox#1438 on Discord for more information

Lf dps and healers going forward

Lots of dungeon runs and group leveling going on- many of our members already in the high 20’s/ low 30’s already !

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Come have some fun!

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Still looking for DPS (rogues/ warriors/ mages) and heals (any class)!

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Back to the top! Wonderful group of people- come join us for leveling (and soon- raiding) fun!

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LFM to round out our raid roster!

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