[H]<Hostile> 5/8M Uldir 9/9H 2/9M BoD Recruiting DPS/Resto Sham/Hpal!

A little about Hostile:
We are a progression guild on Dalaran with a penchant for banter and sarcasm. If you are PC, keep your faint-hearted self moving along to other posts. We call things down the line and expect our players to show up ready and able to kill bosses. We have a lot of fun, sometimes at each other’s expense, but at the end of the day everyone is committed to the task at hand. If you’re willing to handle a few insults and PUMP then we’re the guild for you!

Currently progressing through Heroic, but will be making the switch to Mythic progression once we’re comfortable enough with Heroic to do so.

Raid Days & Times:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM EST for Heroic progression.
Progression: 8/8H & 5/8M (Uldir) // 9/9N, 9/9H, 2/9M (BoD)

Currently Recruiting:
Tanks: BDK for back-up
Healers: Resto Shaman/HPally
MDPS: Rogue, DPS with tank offspec
RDPS: All ranged welcome to apply!

Requirements for raiding (Heroic/Mythic):
-400 iLvl Minimum
-37 HoA
-The ability to come prepared to raid with pre-pots (feasts/cauldrons provided) and proper gems/enchants.
-A minimum of one +10 Mythic per week.

Even if you don’t yet meet these requirements and want to raid, but are willing to work hard to catch up to them, we encourage you to apply!

ANY skilled raider will be considered, as well as anyone who just wants a community to run M+ with. Casual and/or social members and folks that are new to raiding are also welcome to join.

If you’re interested or have any questions, please reach out, or go ahead and apply!

Hostile @ Raider io: https://raider.io/guilds/us/dalaran/Hostile

Apply here: https://goo.gl/forms/adEUS2YFajutslws2

Message in-game or on Discord:
In-game: Chadisatree/ Btag: Chad#11635 Disc: Chad#0144

We are still looking for quality ranged DPS for our Heroic and eventual Mythic progression!

Looking for a few more quality raiders for the group, reach out today!

Looking for a tank (pref Prot War or BDK) and a few more ranged!

We are still looking for a tank (BDK/Pally preferred but all welcome to apply), HPally/Priest and RDPS to round out our Mythic progression. Guild is 8/9 as of this post with a 9% best pull on Jaina. Come help us get our mythic group solidified!

Especially in need of a BDK/prot pally, but also need RDPS of any kind. Hit us up!

reset day, still LF the last couple members to round out the group!

Still looking for more exceptional DPS! Apply or contact us to chat if you’re interested!

Just looking for a few more quality consistent raiders to round out our group! Reach out for more info on the team and the guild!

Looking for a tank for a core spot, as well as more ranged DPS and a rogue. Any class/social players welcome to apply!