{H} Holy Pally looking for a home

Hi there,

I am coming back from a mini break after reassessing what I wanted to do in game. I am happiest when I get to main as heals so that is what I am going back to.

I just hit 120 on my pally so she is not raid ready just yet, it won’t take me long though if RNGesus is kind to me.

About my experience…I have raided since Vanilla, everything from hardcore top guilds to more casual. I have raid lead, guild lead, role lead, helped train new raiders or helped people figure out how to get more out of their chosen class. I have played all roles and probably half the dps classes in raids.

What I am looking for…
-I need a guild that is friendly and no elitist (I have been one in the past but that was a long time ago and I can’t deal with them anymore).
-I want a group that wants to raid and M+ together without cliques. I feel it doesn’t help the guild if the same 5 people are always running things together and others get excluded.
-I don’t think I really want to get heavily into mythic raiding honestly. I don’t like the mindset and how people are treated in most mythic guilds.
-I want a group that doesn’t take themselves too seriously but can still get stuff done. I don’t want to have to watch what I say either. I am more NC17 than PG13 :stuck_out_tongue:
-I would prefer not to raid past 10pm server, days aren’t really important to me.
-While I have done RP in the past it is not my current focus.

That is all I can think of atm so please feel free to drop me a btag Gwynaviere#1939 or leave yours here and I will get in touch.

Thanks <3

I’ll be in touch via Btag! Incoming friend request from Akuma#1322

Our raid team forum post.

I have actually found a home but thanks for reaching out