I’m looking for an aotc or light mythic push horde guild with strength in mythic plus runs. My holy Paladin is a new main. I pushed aotc on my hunter on Alliance this tier a few weeks back and really don’t want to dps at the moment- need that change of pace.
I have aotc healing and M+ experience as well since end of BFA. I can provide more info on request. That was alliance and it seems to have lost a lot of like minded players on my server over the past few weeks so I decided to go horde on Illidan but I have had no luck finding the right home yet. Willing to transfer.
Discord: KulMark#0396
Tell me why I should join your guild. Plus if you’re server is in a Chicago data center
I’m the recruitment officer with the guild Broadside on Area-52.
We raid tues/thurs 11pm est- 2am est with an optional alt night Sunday 11pm est- 1am est.
Fairly active guild with a large community who love to play multiple games outside of wow too. Most nights our guild is busy with people running M+, pvp and raid as well as other content.
I’ll shoot you a discord request, let me know if any of this appeals to you.
One Breath From Death is a smaller guild looking to grow a bit on the casual / AOTC side of things. Most of us been together for quite some time and just looking to grow a few friendships.
We raid Tues / Thurs 7:30-10:00pm EST and few people are online during the week as well for other stuff. Definitely looking to grow the mythic + scene of the guild as well as we can. We are currently 10/10H Castle Nathria (finished 7/12M Ny’Alotha)
Feel free to reach out to one of our contacts: Btags below
Recruitment Officer Bettywhite#11673
GM - Dominitus#1741