[H] <Hexes> (Westfall) Wed & Fri 9-12 EST

Welcome! Have you come to serve the Horde?

Newly formed guild, founded from long time WoW players. Experience from Vanilla all the way through BFA. Looking for more like minded players who want to enjoy classic for all that if offers. Want to Raid? We are doing that. Want to quest and be casual? We got that covered too. Everyone here will feel at home and be part of a community that helps each other to reach common goals. We have players who plan to speed level and others who will take their time and enjoy the journey. So chances are high throughout your adventures you will have at least a few fellow guildies to travel with.

We plan to start 40 man raids 2 months after launch. Exact dates will depend on how the leveling process goes. While we are eager to get started on MC we don’t want everyone burnt out in the 1st month.

Currently have openings for all classes. With it being a long road to 60 we want everyone to have a raid spot, but also know not all will make it. We plan to have 50-60 Raiders so that we have plenty of overlap. This will allow people to take a night off without the whole raid shutting down.

Loot will be done via Loot Council. LC will be done by 2 officers and 2-3 other people who will be selected prior to each raid. To be considered for loot one must show up on time and be prepared to raid. This includes having a good BIS set along with consumables one would need for the night. One must also have steady attendance. We want to be very fair with loot and ensure those putting in the effort to get the rewards. Patterns will go to guild crafters 1st, after that they will be for open roll.

We encourage you to take this incredible journey with us! Come join us and other like minded individuals as the adventure for Azeroth begins!!

Recruiting Needs:

Protection Warrior: Open

DPS Warrior: Open

Holy Priest: Open

Shadow Priest: Open

Restoration Druid: Open

Feral Druid: Open (Selective)

Shaman: Open

Rogue: Open

Mage: Open

Warlock: Open

Hunter: Open

Please drop by our server if you would like to try us out or if you have any questions toss ‘em our way: https: // discord.gg/Ft3wZ5A

I know you’re classic but if you’re not on the recruitment discord, you should also post there for extra visibility of your target is retail players. I will also be on Mankrik, but Alliance. = )

Link: https://discord.gg/vN2sWsB

PS We try and teach people who are looking how to use the search functions to better find a guild that serves their needs. Classic isn’t out yet but we’ll be doing the same with those players. Right now, most of the retail players on the discord are just trying to decide what realms to go to. Example of what we show them:


is there a btag or discord name to message bsides a server join to talk with on the guild? you had responded to my post on looking for a guild so…