l Mankrik l 14/14 T4 l Competitive l Loot Council
- Tuesday 9pm - 12am Server
- Thursday 9pm - 12am Server
About Us:
Consistently one of the top guilds on Mankrik throughout Vanilla Classic, Helm looks to
continue that tradition for the entirety of TBC. During Phase 1 we focused
on splits to maximize gear, but as Phase 2 approaches we will look to condense our mains
into one raid for parsing / guild achievements. Helm has been around since Day 1,
so if you’re looking for a competitive and stable environment, please reach out.
Looking For:
BM Hunter
Enhance Shaman
Ret Paladin
We are also accepting social raiders for Karazhan runs.
Be on time for raids and stay the entire duration. A day might be added for progression.
-85% attendance or higher with communication for absences
-Fully consumed, with full gems and enchants
-Knowledge of your class, role, and willingness to learn
-Alt available for split raids
Contacts (Discord):