Heathen Heroes is a laid-back guild 10/11 in Kara looking for a healer (Shaman, Priest, Paladin, Druid) a Paladin/Bear Tank and some DPS (Shamans, Mages, Hunters, Warriors) to finish out it’s raid group(s). We are a casual guild looking to push content on a laid back raiding schedule.
Raid times
Tuesday - 8:00p - 11:30p
Thursday - 8:00p - 11:30p
Raid needs
Holy Priest - Low
Resto Shaman - Low
Rogue - Medium
Warrior (DPS) - High
Warrior (Tank) - Low
Warlock - High
Hunter - Medium
Shadow Priest - Low
Mage - High
If interested in a laid back guild with good people who want to help maximize your time let me know Battletag Doka#1934. You can also catch me in game Akindoka or any of the other officers -> Pownos, Salvotor, Fistdorndor, or Blindguy