Hello, I’m currently looking for a guild to get ready for 9.1 and beyond with. I currently main a Mistweaver iLvl 218 and have begun to focus on alt healers after achieving KSM this season. Mainly looking for Tues/Thurs or Mon/Wed 8-12pm with a hard stop. Would be open to playing almost any healer with preference on Mistweaver.
I do not have much raiding experience but enjoy the challenging content. Very casually played in BfA and set KSM goal for SL season 1. Tired of PUGing and would prefer a permanent home with like minded players.
Unsure what else might be applicable but I’m open to chat!
-EST time zone
-have mic/discord/etc.
-evenings/weekend days
Grey Matter (10/10H) was founded in Shadowlands as a guild for working professionals who want to make the most of the time that we spend in-game. We have developed a small family unit through this expansion and are looking to expand our core raid team for Mythic Castle Nathria.
Our goal is to progress as much as possible in Mythic Castle Nathria and develop a core mythic team for 9.1.
For what you outlined we might have a conflict in raid times, but I still wanted to reach out to see if it was something that could work for you.
Raid Times:
- Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM (EST)
If this sounds like a good fit and that the raid times could work for you feel free to reach out so that we can talk further.
Discord: Bunny#5337
Battlenet: Bunny#1480
Thank you for the reply! Unfortunately I’m not sure I’m able to commit to Tues/Wed nights back-to-back for irl reasons.
Hello nimmo
My guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around! We like to focus on having a strong community as it makes the game so much more enjoyable, and our main goal is to have fun together!
We raid Weds/Thurs from 8:30-10:30 pm EST for herioc and Sunday nights are very casual open raid night for normals. We also do weekly mythic+ events for our members. Evolved is a Horde guild on Area52. We also have a sister Alliance guild on Proudmoore.
You can contact me at Grimmy#1990 if you have more questions.
Here is a link to our recruitment post: [H]<Area 52> Evolved Gaming, 18+ guild recruiting! 10/10H CN
Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately I can’t really commit to back to back raid nights. Appreciate the look!