Hey everyone!
Here is a little about me and my WoW history:
I have been playing WoW since 2005 and in my mid 30s with a family, IRL obligations, etc. I have primarily played healers as its what I do best and going into Dragonflight i plan on maining SOME sort of healer, TBD on that right now. I have done nearly all of the raids in the game since the initial launch (except Sanctum and Sepulcher in Shadowlands due to IRL priorities), aim to get AOTC and KSM in a season and then chill till the next.
What I am looking for:
Since life has settled down I am looking to get back into the swing of things with raiding. I am looking for a laid back guild who puts their nose to the grind stone pun intended, puts in the work to get AOTC, who has a zero tolerance policy for drama, elitism, and toxicity. Having fun and killing bosses at the end of the day is the most important thing.
I am looking for a US East Horde Guild who raids Tues/Thurs anywhere between 7-11pm. Back to back nights and weekends would be very hard for me to make. I am not looking to be rushing to AOTC but would rather not struggle the whole tier to get there either.
Thanks for reading and please let me know if you need any more info!
discord - amr#9897