I’m a sort of new player who started playing at the end of legion, after the Mythic Argus race was going on. I come from Guild Wars 2 where I used to raid every night on 2 accounts. Long story short the raids in Gw2 are boring asf and I need more challenge in my life. I LOVE to do M+ on a daily basis and raiding, I helped a guild kill Mythic Agg and went thru half of Argus before they decided to call it quits and stick to Heroic moving forward (omegalul).
What I bring to the table is a LOVE for healing, and challenging content. I main Disc priest and Resto Druid, with the ability to play Holy Pally, Resto Shaman, MW Monk aswell as Mage at a high level. I can play thier respective dps classes if given time to practice at medium/high lvl aswell.
I am not just looking for a guild to tackle challenging content together, but I am looking for a HOME. A place where I can log in and be surrounded by friends, I’m so tired of puging in this game, and overall in general.
Currently looking for a guild to be a part of in the NEXT raid tier as I did not have time to get into Uldir that much except for Heroic tier. I could come thru on Mythic runs but i dont really know the mythic mechanics (just need to watch vids imo) Also, I do PvP and I have gotten 2k on both Disc and R Druid last season so if the guild does pvp aswell that’s a huge plus xD
If you made it this far fill free to msg me on BattleNet Mango#11286 or on here. Thank you, and I look forward to find a great guild to be a part of for the rest of my WoW experience.