[H] <GX> is recruiting for BT Progression

5/5 MH and 5/9 BT

is seeking exceptional DPS, and a couple of healers to fill out our roster, and continue our steady progression inside the Black Temple.

A few of our raiders have just gotten burned out from the game, and have chosen to step aside and focus more on PVP and other games. We decided to stay strong, stay together, and re fill our ranks with raiders who want to show up and get things done.

We raid Tues and Thurs, at 7:30PM ST - 11:00PM ST, with invites going out 15minutes prior. We only require you to be attuned for t6 content, and try and keep an 85% attendance, sign up in advance so we can make the raid comp, and be online and fully prepared for invites when the time comes. We provide marks for Flasks, Epic Gems for Phase 3 Upgrades and more. We are a friendly bunch that just want to kill things, have fun, and do it all over again week after week. We currently are searching for

1 Resto Shaman - High Priority
1 Resto Druid - Medium Priority
1 Destro/Affliction Warlock - High Priority
1 Balance Druid - High Priority
1 Enhancement Shaman - High Priority
1 Ret Paladin - High Priority
1 BM Hunter - High Priority

Contact Evelilethiel in game for more questions and concerns. Or ask to speak with an officer from anyone online.